” Family risk studies demonstrate that phonological problems are present long before formal reading instruction begins.” ” Children with a phonological awareness deficit in kindergarten are five times more likely to have dyslexia in second grade than children without such a deficit. “
“There is a growing body of literature affirming the value of providing early reading intervention to struggling readers.”
“Children who received intervention in first and second grade, made gains almost twice that of children receiving the same intervention in third grade and that the early intervention child continued to outperform the late intervention group.”
“Assessment in all its forms—including screening, diagnostic testing, and monitoring—play a key role in any successful intervention.
Screening can provide an indication of which children are “at risk” and would benefit from further support.
A diagnostic assessment can provide a clear indication of a child’s strengths and weaknesses and specify which skills should be targeted within an intervention. It also gives a picture of the severity of the child’s difficulties and to what extent support needs to be adapted.”
“The Dysmate-C (Literate Barnetest) produces test scores that are precise reflections of the individual’s latent skills within the different domains, and the test battery identifies students at risk for dyslexia with great accuracy. Since it measures the defining markers of dyslexia, it may be used both for screening and for diagnostic testing.“
Ved å ta i bruk Literate-testene bidrar du til at
de som har dysleksi får hjelp tidligst mulig.
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